iDryclean Support

Support is always FREE to iDryclean users.
From your STORE PHONE (not your cell phone) call our support phone number: 801-649-6691.
Our support phone system will recognize your store phone number and direct you to a live support person during our support hours.

Update my VIC credit card info.

Other Support Options

Below are our support options if you are NOT using iDryclean (ie; ProfitMaker). Select the one that is best for you. These are per incident options that will help you through a particular issue or question.

For free support, send us your questions in an email.
Free Email Support:

Lets us access your computer remotely (1)
Show My PC

Per Incident Support

If you are NOT an iDryclean user, you may have to pay for support. Here are the prices:

$75 Phone Support 8am - 5pm - per incident phone help during our business hours. Charged for our time spent, not what is done.
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$150 Phone Support Before 8am -or- After 5pm - per incident phone help before or after hours. Charged for our time spent, not what is done.
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$200 Phone Support Saturday 8am - 5pm - per incident phone help Saturday. Charged for our time spent, not what is done.
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$250 Phone Support Sunday 8am - 5pm - per incident phone help Sunday. Charged for our time spent, not what is done.
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Very Important Cleaner program - VIC

Unlimited Telephone Support. If you need more than occasional help and want unlimited telephone support you should join our Very Important Cleaner program and get special service and priority support.

iDryclean Support

$99 Very Important Cleaner - Join the VIC group to get discounts, free telephone support and upgrades. Billed quarterly.
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  • Unlimited telephone support during business hours.
  • Live operator answers your calls 24/7 365.
  • Free enhancements.
  • Discounts on hardware and supplies.
  • Billed quarterly with a 1 year committment.

Update my VIC credit card info.
NOTE: It may take up to 3 business days to process your VIC application. If you need immediate help, select one of the free or paid options above.

Support and VIC Details

Our Very Important Cleaner program is designed for those that want telephone help and assistance on a regular basis. Our Al-a-carte support options make it so you don't have to pay if you only need occasional help. (Restrictions apply) Here are some details:

  • (1) We can remote connect to your computer to fix issues (only to the registered VIC stores or paid per-incident support cases.).
  • Cancel at anytime after the 1st year. Any FULL unused months will be credited back to your VIC credit card.
  • Your store phone# is registered into our VIC support system and you will get a support operator NOT a voice mail when you call 801-649-6691.
  • The support phone call must originate from the registered store phone number so our system will recognize it and route it to an operator (instead of voice mail).
  • We can call you back on any phone number you wish.
  • Call as often as you need to. Our support operators will answer your call 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year.
    • For regular questions: We will call you back during our business hours 8am - 5pm Mountain time except holidays.
    • System Down: We will call you back within 2 hours anytime if you let our operator know your system is down.
    • If your system is NOT really down, a normal support charge will be billed to you.
    • System down means you can not process Drop off or Pickup operations IN ANY MANNER.
  • VIC support only covers iDryclean questions and help for the latest version.
  • You may need local computer help for things not easily fixed over the phone and not covered by VIC: These include:
    • Hardware issues. It's kind of like trying to clean clothes over the phone, it can't be done
    • Network issues
    • Windows issues
    • Hardware malfunctions
    • User abuse
    • Weather related issues
  • After 1 full year of continuous VIC support, you are eligible for free upgrades (a $295 value) and discounts.
  • Owners with multiple stores can have a single VIC support contract, BUT:
    • We can only remote connect to the registered store.
    • Free upgrades are only for the registered store.
    • System down support is only for the registered store.
    • Because we can call you back on any phone number you wish, general questions for any store can be answered.
  • As of Jan 1st, 2024 we reserve the right to limit (or not) support version 7 and earlier of ProfitMaker.
    • ProfitMaker 7 has been replaced by iDryclean version 8+. All of your customers, orders, etc are usable in iDryclean.
    • Because of upgrades to Microsoft SQL Server, older versions of Windows and MSSQL may not work on newer computers. iDryclean eliminates this problem.
    • iDryclean does not need a local edition of MSSQL and its complex installation and maintainance making iDryclean a better product.
  • Support charges are for our time spent. We cannot guarantee a fix for every issue you purchased our time for.
(1) REMEMBER! Without a VIC support contract (or Gravity Payments merchant account) you must purchase a support incident for any telephone support or ShowMyPC remote support work and connections. THANKS, from the iDryclean Support Team