Top 5 Reasons to upgrade to iDryclean

1- You Need Advanced Features.

You probably need new features like Text Messaging customers and Email marketing. The last few years have brought many advances in technology that help drycleaners and laundries increase their customer base for little or no money. For example, you can EMail customes postcards instead of mailing them. With the every rising cost of stamps that is a great way to increase business for little cost. Also, sending a text to customers when their orders are ready to pickup gets money into your pocket faster. iDryclean has these and many other features to make you money.

2- You Need to Save Money.

Is your current provider too expensive? iDryclean software is very inexpensive and easy to operate. We have seen where our competitors are charging hundreds of dollars each month and with inflation that is no surprise. But iDryclean is inexpensive and has a single price for all of its features and regardless of your station count. So while our competitors raise their prices, iDryclean keeps it affordable.

3- Support

If you're not getting the support you need, please consider iDryclean. Support for a software company is like hangers are for a drycleaner - a necessary expense. For software companies its a very expensive one. Computer technician yearly salaries are in the $80k and up range. Most companies charge for the support they give you. iDryclean offers 24/7/365 support built-in to the service at no extra charge.

4- Outdated Equipment

If your computer/software is over 5 years old its time to get an upgrade. Newer computers are faster, smaller and longer lasting. Newer SSD drivers are 10 times as fast as the outdated hard disks used in computers 5 years ago. Touch screens, barcode readers, weight scales and other hardware are sleeker, faster, and easier to use. iDryclean supports them all.

The extra work you will be able to accomplish with a faster computer and iDryclean should more than pay for the one-time cost of upgrading. Newer computers allow you to get more done in more places and run multiple applications significantly faster. All in all, this could save you nearly an hour per day of time that was wasted as our computers caught up to our pace.

5- Remote Assistance

Nowdays, your computer assistance personnel can remotely access your computer (with your permission of course) to help you with day to day computer issues. Its as good as the technician being right there beside you in the store.


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