ver 8.06 Features and Fixes

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We added support for the new Star Laundry scale that lets you automate your laundry weight entry.

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Star Laundry Scale

ver 8.05

PlaceholderAssign Tags by Color

Added Assign Tag to Order. Allows batch lots with colored tags to be assigned to orders quickly. Find tags, and orders as well.

PlaceholderFaster Email Statements

On EMail statements, we sped up processing and showed a counter during the list build. Shows total runtime at end.

PlaceholderFaster Phone Entry

If a 7 or 10 digit all number customer search is not found, the phone number will be placed into the customer phone fields automatically.

PlaceholderNew Simple Invoice

Added new A/R report called "Invoice Simple" which shows New Charges and Total due only and no other details.

9 mins
PlaceholderFast EMail/Text Entry

Added Text and EMail icons to main command screen. This allows you to enter a text phone or customer email faster than editing the customer.

9 mins
PlaceholderPrint/Email Receipts

Added a Email/Print and Email Only option to the Pickup screen. If you have email setup in your store you can now email customers a receipt.

PlaceholderPayment Preference Change

Added a button in File | Saved Stuff to allow changing all customers pays by prefererences. i.e. Cash to Credit Card, etc.

PlaceholderCheck Network Speed

Added a new Speed Test button under the Help menu. This will show your network speed to be used as a reference.

PlaceholderCustomer History Fix

If security for Customer History was turned ON, the login window dims and the background lost focus causing what looked like a hang. FIXED.

  • Preload customer cities and zips so the Add New customer operation is faster.
  • Added a "ChangeLog" DB to log ALL changes to orders accessable from "Orders" menu, and customer History.
  • Hotel Statements reports were erroring due to DeptID being 0 for Markup items. Fixed. PMReports.exe
  • Time card edit would not save date time. Fixed.
  • Changed font size of the Restore Config file window so you can see the entire file name.

  • GarmenTrak would not load GT items scanned after the first one. Fixed.
  • Fixed Statement Details report so that only <> 'COD' customers show up on it.
  • Fixed bug in Reports | Route | Hotel Billing (and others) where if a color was on a garment it errored out.

  • Store Sales Summary was overflowing the printed page. Fixed.
  • Date was not updating on bottom left of screen on new date.
  • Fixed Voids By Employee report.
  • Separate voids onto its own line on the "sales summary report"
  • Redid the invoice numbering to take a starting number and increment +1.
  • Time card edit would not save date time. Fixed.
  • Added exception logging for cancel pickup. (like NoSale)
  • Added GarmenTRAK with improvements.

  • Store Sales Summary was overflowing the printed page. Fixed.
  • Date was not updating on bottom left of screen on new date.
  • Fixed Voids By Employee report.
  • Separate voids onto its own line on the "sales summary report"
  • Redid the invoice numbering to take a starting number and increment +1.
  • Time card edit would not save date time. Fixed.
  • Added exception logging for cancel pickup. (like NoSale)
  • Added GarmenTRAK with improvements.

  • Made Invitation startup screen background dim (frmCommandCenter) and bigger.
  • Added an "Add Invoice" loop that continues to add orders to the existing customer until done with the customer.
  • Added Quick tickets back in. Some customers liked it.
  • Pay by order feature. Make payments against a specific order.
  • Show the prepaid AMOUNT on main screen to denote an order is prepaid.
  • Customer preferred pay type now defaults to credit card.
  • Clear previous customer before a search so clerks don't select the wrong customer.
  • Tag reprint now allows printing of an individual ticket along with a spacer tag for write-in on blank tag.
  • If NO selected to print, it prints anyway. Fixed.
  • Added an Invoice# to statements. Invoice# = Cusnum + Storenum + Now(yymmddhh)
  • Batch entry, ITEM list not showing. Fixed
  • Put hypens in the store phone# on the printed receipt.
  • Added a new "Time Clock Manager" to the Users menu. Calculates Overtime, allows time edit, shows who's in.
  • Changed the Users | Add Edit Users feature to only work on adding, editing, deleting users.
  • Added "Whos In" to StoreManager web reports to show who is clocked in.